What is ECARIN?

The East Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network (ECARIN) offers programs and services to help accelerate the growth of Alberta-based tech and knowledge-based small businesses. ECARIN envisions a vibrant, innovative, and diverse business environment that creates jobs, increases revenues and grows opportunities for local businesses to export to the global market. We are passionate about helping small businesses innovate, grow, diversify the economy and help build a strong entrepreneurial culture in Alberta.

What is a RIN?

The Regional Innovation Networks (RINs) are comprised of eight (8) collaborative networks across Alberta.  The goal of a RIN is to create a community-based network of programs and services to accelerate the growth of technology and knowledge-based businesses.  The RINs are funded by the Government of Alberta and administered by Alberta Innovates.

How do I receive ECARIN support?

The ECARIN supports innovators, entrepreneurs and tech and knowledge-based small business owners. We offer several programs and services to support your entrepreneurial journey:

  • Events, webinars, workshops and networking opportunities

  • Business area-specific programs and courses

  • Business canvassing, mentorship and one-on-one coaching

  • Ready to get started? Click here.

How can I support the ECARIN?

As an entrepreneur, you can give back to the community in many ways:

  • Attend networking events to foster the entrepreneurial ecosystem

  • Help us to find/address the gaps and challenges within our entrepreneurial ecosystem

  • Become a mentor in your area of expertise

How is the ECARIN funded?

The ECARIN receives funding from Alberta Innovates and Startup Lloydminster.

How is ECARIN different from Startup Lloydminster and other organizations?

Alberta Innovates funds the ECARIN to connect and grow technology and knowledge-based businesses in our province. The ECARIN is different from other local initiatives because this is part of an Alberta-wide network. Through the ECARIN, we can connect our community to the rest of the province’s innovation network, and we can adapt and contribute to a wider set of best practices.